best dog books: Q&A with jean marie alfieri author of ZUGGY THE RESCUE PUG–FOUR ON THE FLOOR

Today I welcome Jean Marie Alfieri to Best Dog Books, a blog that features interviews with authors who’ve written a canine story for kids or young adults. Jean is here to talk about Zuggy the Rescue Pug – Four on the Floor which is a self-published picture book for kids of all ages, especially those who enjoy reading to children, as it is a collection of short-story poems.

Best Dog Books: Who is your key dog character(s) and what kind of dog is he/she?

Zuggy is a rescue pug who doesn’t understand that being a “rescue” means that he’s been adopted from a shelter.  Rather he thinks it means that he can come to the “rescue” of others and save them from their problems!

Best Dog Books:  Tell us about your story.

In this collection of 4 poems Zuggy “rescues” a new friend he meets while the family is on “Spring Break”.  Next, he needs to clear his name by investigating the caper of the missing “Fuzzy Slipper”.  After that, there’s nothing worse than a “Doo-Doo Dilemma” and Zuggy’s fur-sister, Zoey, has gotten the kids into quite a mess.  Then, Zuggy finds it impossible to rescue himself in “Foiled Again”.

Best Dog Books: What inspired you to write this story?

My first rescue pug, Wyatt, who passed on some years ago, was my “soul-dog”, if you believe in such a thing.  When he died, my heart ached in his absence.  Because my husband and I are committed to adopting “vintage puppies” (or senior dogs) we have to accept the sorrow that comes with our dogs not being with us a full lifetime. We created a tradition that when a dog passes, at dinner that evening, we share our fondest memories of that dog.  It always leaves us smiling (if not laughing) at all the fun times that animal brought to our home.

When Wyatt passed, the pain was doubled at the thought of all those fond memories being lost forever.  I didn’t want people to forget Wyatt because he had died.  I started Zuggy the Pug to capture the stories and his quirky, funny, stubborn, sassy, and forever lovable personality.

And now, Princess Zoey, our 9 year old rescue pug who came to us last summer, carries on the legacy with her irresistible smooshy face and zany adventures of her own. She makes her debut book appearance, as Zuggy’s fur-sister, in “Four on the Floor”.

Best Dog Books: What was the biggest challenge you had writing your story? How did you overcome it?

I’m a writer – so I love words!  Cutting them back is a problem for me. I had to overcome too much verbiage and backstory and get to the action. Sometimes I also have to get past the emotion.  These are cute, humorous stories and yet, because most all of them are true (or inspired by a real story), I find myself still tearing up at the memory.

Moving from prose to poetry really makes you focus.  It’s not easy for me, but I enjoy the challenge.  Poetry was my first love as a child, and I’m still captured by the sound, the rhythm, the flow – when you get it right.  To share a story in that fashion really forces you to move it along.

Best Dog Books: What kind of story can we expect next from you? Is it about a dog? If so, what can you tell us about it?

The next Zuggy the Rescue Pug story is titled Baby’s First Friend, and will debut at the Tempe Library District Book Festival on Sat. Nov. 2!  It will be released on-line for the rest of the world on Tues. Nov. 5.  In this story, Zuggy welcomes a new baby to the family.  They become fast friends as he watches her grow. Then, suddenly and unexplainably, she becomes frightened of him.  Zuggy tries every trick he knows (and even learns a few new ones!) to win her back.  Still, she refuses him, and he’s about to give up.  But Mom may know just the trick.  Will her idea work?

Zuggy the Rescue Pug – Baby’s First Friend makes a great gift for new or expecting families.  It’s an easy-reader rhymer, and Zuggy’s signature silliness is sure to bring a smile.

Best Dog Books: What else would you like us to know about you or your story?

I am so grateful for the opportunity to be included in your blog, Annemarie.  You have some very impressive author interviews on your site!  Thank you for facilitating this connection with dog-loving readers.

This is the third Zuggy the Rescue Pug release in as many months!  It’s been a crazy-busy time and so exciting! The reader-reviews have been very positive, which makes the work all that much more satisfying.  I hope your audience will check them out for the dog-lover or pug-fan in their life!

Best Dog Books: Can you remember the first book that made an impact on you? Why?

Noisy Nora by Rosemary Wells.  Not surprisingly, it is a short story poem.  Instead of dogs, however, the main characters in this story are mice.  It’s still a fun read!

Best Dog Books: What advice would you give to aspiring writers?

Do it!  There are as many reasons to write as there are people.  Yours is unique.  Honor it and don’t delay.  Time is precious and limited. And writing takes time.  Follow the process and get started so you have time to let it sit, revise it, get it critiqued, and revise it.  And then, revise it again! Love every iteration of it as it evolves.  And most of all, enjoy the journey on which it will take you!

If you’d like to learn more about Jean, you can check out the author’s website or follow the author on Facebook, Instagram and twitter . You can also follow Zuggy on Facebook and Instagram! Join Zuggy the Pug’s Book Club “Bark!” and get in on all the canine craziness!

Thank you, Jean, for joining us at Best Dog Books. We look forward to reading your book!

For other great books about dogs, check out 101 Best Dog Books for Kids.

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