Bobbie Pyron, author of A DOG’S WAY HOME, THE DOGS OF WINTER, and LUCKY STRIKE, and I did a school visit at Trailside Elementary School in Park City, Utah before the Thanksgiving holiday. We hosted a writing contest for the 3rd and 5th graders and judged their entries. Today’s blog post features the 3rd grade winning and finalist entries. Each child was asked to write a Fibonacci poem about Thanksgiving, family, friends or a pet.
Congratulations to Kaleigh for producing the winning entry!

Finalists included Sofia, Izzie, Kaylee, Carson, Garrett, Grace, Carter and Kardin.
Special thanks to:
All of the kids who participated in the workshop and the teachers who supported them.
Sue Beasom, librarian extraordinaire for inviting us to her school.
Debbie Gonzales for developing the Fibonacci writing exercise.
Anjuli Turner for taking photographs.
For great books about dogs, check out 101 Best Dog Books for Kids.
For published authors and unpublished authors, check out our writing contests.