Today I welcome Linda Joy Singleton to Best Dog Books, a blog that features interviews with authors who’ve written a canine story for kids or young adults.
AOB: What is the title of your book? Pub date and publisher? Genre? Targeted age group? Illustrator?
SNOW DOG, SAND DOG – March 2014 Albert Whitman
Picture book ages 4-7 Illustrated by Jess Golden
AOB: Who is your key dog character and what kind of dog is he/she? Tell us a little more about him/her.
There are four dog characters in SNOW DOG, SAND DOG. Each dog represents a season: SNOW DOG, FLOWER DOG, SAND DOG and LEAF DOG.
AOB: In 70 words or less, provide a succinct plot description of your story.
* A little girl, Ally, desperately wants a dog of her own, but her allergies make it impossible—until one snowy day while other kids are building snowmen she builds a snow dog. And when it’s time to come in from the snow, Snow Dog follows her home – beginning a creative, heartwarming seasonal cycle of dogs.
Links to reviews or blurbs you wish to share:
B/Noble’s link. Too soon for review yet but by the time this blog goes live, there should be some. So check back with me.
AOB: What inspired you to write this story?
In 2009 I attended a school talk with Verla Kay, who has been my writer BFF for a long time. In her presentation, she showed a photo of herself when she was very young.
Immediately, the photo inspired me. And the next day words swirled in my head. I had to write them down and could only find a napkin. It took years of rewriting to achieve the final version which sold to Albert Whitman in June 2013.

Verla is the youngest girl.
AOB: What was the biggest challenge you had writing your story? How did you overcome it?
The biggest challenge was losing confidence in the story after professionals in publishing turned it down. I loved the story but doubted my ability to write a saleable picture book. Fortunately it did go on to sell and I’m very grateful to everyone who made it happen. I can’t wait to hold my first picture book in my hands!
AOB: What other YA/MG books have you written? Do any of them feature a key dog character? If so, which ones? AOB: What are these stories about?
I’ve had over 35 YA/MG books published, mostly series.
Here are some dogs from my books:
* OPPOSITES ATTRACT (Sweet Dreams YA romance/Bantam)
My 2nd published book ever! A teen romance with a plot about 4-H projects and raising guide dogs.
Miranda helps babysit a Harlequin Great Dane named Harley. Dog World reviewed this book in 1996.
Opens with one of my most thrilling scenes, where Eric, who has recently discovered he’s a clone and has unusual eye-sight, is a mile away while he watching his beloved dog Renegade stand in the path of a speeding car yet he’s unable to warn his dog… (No worries, Renegade survives to appear in other REGENERATION books.
* THE SEER series/Flux – Psychic Sabine Rose dates a guy who owns a very large dog named Horse.
A free short story that shows how Dominic (hero of THE SEER series) escaped a violent uncle and how his attempt to rescue an abused dog helped him to save himself. The dog is named Volcano. This THE SEER short story can be found in the back of #1 THE SEER: DON’T DIE DRAGONFLY or at .
* BURIED – This 2012 Flux (SEER spinoff) YA mystery opens with an unusual dog-related sentence:
“A seven-year-old girl was forced to marry a dog to ward off an evil curse,”
AOB: What kind of story can we expect next from you? Is it about a dog? If so, what is it about?
For older readers, I’m working on another THE SEER book which will gives Dominic, a guy who can communicate with animals, a big storyline. No dogs it in (yet!).
For midgrade readers, I wrote a Cinderella themed book with a stepdog instead of stepsister and the heroine works at a dog kennel. It’s called TEXT FROM A PRINCE and the ending has a fun scene of puppies being born. I’m still looking for a publisher for this one.
For picture book readers, I’m working on a picture book about twelve cats. I also have a story featuring dog breeds which I hope to sell.
AOB: What else would you like us to know about you or your story?
Selling SNOW DOG, SAND DOG to Whitman is a dream come true. I’ve watched writer friends ohh and ahh when they see the art in their picture books and always wondered what it would feel like to have a talented artist draw pictures from my words. When I saw the art from Jess Golden for SNOW DOG, SAND DOG, I was sooooo thrilled! It’s cute and fun and perfect for young readers. And the story teaches seasons, celebrates creativity and highlights the problems of kids with allergies – all with fun dog drawings.
AOB: Can you remember the first book that made an impact on you? And why?
First dog book would be THE POKEY LITTLE PUPPY. I studied dog books when I was a kid, memorizing breeds and writing my own manual on dog training when I was around 11. I can’t imagine life without dogs (and cats!) I’ve had my dog Lacey for 14 years and love her so much. Recently I added two kittens to our family – orange brothers who purr and cuddle and race through my house like they own it (which they do!).
My Lacey
AOB: Where can readers go to find out more information about you and/or your books?
Thank you Linda Joy Singleton for joining us at Best Dog Books!
For other great books about dogs, check out 101 Best Dog Books for Kids.
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